Where to Position Your Chair?
All the massage chairs we carry have different specifications as to how much room your chair needs to function properly. Some require more space than others, yet the majority of room needed is for behind the chair in order for it to descend fully. The Infinity iYashi massage chair however, requires ZERO space behind it, which is allows you to place the chair directly against the back wall.
We have created a video for you to look at about the Infinity IT-7800 space requirements. We chose this chair because it is about average for space dimensions for all chairs. Be sure to read your user manual when you receive your chair to find out the exact measurements you need to position your chair.
If you would like more help figuring out whether or not your chair will fit in a certain space, make it through a doorway, up a flight of stairs or even around a tight corner; our massage chair professionals are experts on doing the math and calculations for you to make sure your chair is ready to go upon arrival at your home.
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